As the Easter Season nears, many are looking for their own miracles and need a miracle in their lives. Is that you?
Often, the Road to Glory and the miracle of promise begins with a prophetic word. John records seven of these spoken by Jesus Christ in the Gospel of John that should offer us hope, promise, and strengthen our faith.
These seven “I am” statements made by Jesus reflect on the declaration of Jehovah to Abraham when He asked for God’s Name. I AM that I AM.
Jesus declared Himself to be:
The Bread of Life, Who uniquely and supernaturally satisfies in contrast to things of this world, in material goods, wealth, or attainment.
The Light of the World, Who pierces the darkness of destruction, disunity, and despair in a chaotic culture. If you have Jesus, you have an assignment to reflect His light as part of your purpose.
The Door for the Sheep, Who laid down His life to give access to all of humanity to the covenant relationship with God and the blessed promises to those who enter in.
The Good Shepherd, Who pursues the lost, tracks down the strays, disciplines the rebels, comforts the weary and hurting, and provides for His own.
The Resurrection and the Life, Who gives His Spirit, the very One Who raised Christ Jesus from a tomb after a brutal death on a criminal cross of the Roman Government. Jesus removed any fear of death for those who have accepted Him and believe.
The Way, the Truth, and the Life, Who makes the singular way to God the Father in this covenant relationship of adoption as a child of the Most High with eternal salvation.
The True Vine, Who grafts in the branch of each believer to give eternal life through His Spirit, eternal power through the connection to life, and the fruit of the Spirit that reflects the nature of the vine. Good fruit comes from branches connected to Jesus. Bad fruit comes from the connection to this world and its sick culture.
In John 11:25-27, Jesus teaches us about the prophetic word spoken to His dear friends which applies today and forever. He is the resurrection and life, but our circumstances may speak louder than God’s Word, if we’re not faithful in our reading, praying, and abiding to the vine.
Jesus loved these friends. Jesus taught us that being connected to friends and family matters. But God’s Word says that Jesus delayed His response to a desperate letter from Mary and Martha about the deathly illness of their brother, Lazarus. Jesus waited two days after receiving word of his dear friend’s illness.
Have you ever gotten impatient with God? Have you questioned Him for not showing up on your terms? You’re not alone. Gideon, Moses, David, and many more wondered where God was in their need. The explanation lies in John 11:4 as to why we experience delays.
“This sickness will not end in death but is for the glory of God.”
Do you see delays and even the answers of “No” to your prayers as for God’s glory?
When Jesus did arrive, Martha confronted Jesus in great sorrow and anger as her brother laid dead on the fourth day in a tomb – wrapped, decaying, with the smell of death emanating from the tomb. As Jesus exchanged words with Martha inquiring of her beliefs, He saw that she believed in eternal resurrection.
This purposed occurrence yielded many things, but two are especially important.
Jesus wanted Martha, Mary, and all present at the moment to understand that prophetic words are for the future days, like the resurrection of the dead and in heaven, but also for the here and now. This was such a time.
Do you have a current need? Do you need a now miracle? What are you doing to speak the words of promise declared by Christ? He is the Resurrection and the Life! He is the one who calls forth our dreams entombed in the death of our doubt and drama. Jesus is the One Who is well able to speak the grave clothes off our tangled lives in bondage to sin, fear, addictions, illness, whatever your need.
This prophetic word which produced a great miracle made its way to the High Jewish Court, the Sanhedrin. The Jewish leaders’ power was threatened, and they envied Jesus’ following. Oh, dear friends, never underestimate the rage, vengeance, and destructive responses from established systems of this world in response to a prophetic word that comes to life because of your faith and the faith of all believers operating on the Word of God and the promises He has made.
Jesus’ words to release a dead Lazarus from the clutches of death are the same words we must speak, believe, and live today in a dead culture that’s rotting before our eyes and a dead Church that is better known for our disunity, lack of power, condemnation, lack of lives changed through salvations, wayward focus and priority on things of this world instead of God’s Kingdom come and His will being done by those who are supposed to bear the resemblance to Jesus.
Today, Jesus is calling you out. “Come forth!” Remove the grave clothes and live!
Go deeper in study and learn more about a prophetic miracle. Listen to the complete teaching by Pastor Ronnie.